How To Tell If You Have Strabismus [In 60 Seconds Or Less]

by Florian Wüest • Updated
March 8, 2023
crossed eyes title image

If you worry that you might be having a lazy eye or strabismus [1], then you've come to the exact right place.

I was born too soon [2] and ultimately developed strabismus as a toddler:

As a result I've done a variety of tests for strabismus in my adult life:

You name it - in my 'strabismus career' I've most likely done it.

In this article, you'll therefore discover:

Let's dive right in:

Quickest Strabismus Test: Picture Analysis [60 Seconds Or Less]

This is by far the quickest strabismus test that will deliver instant results.

How To Do The Picture Analysis Test In 3 Easy Steps

  1. Open your photos (gallery) on your phone.
  2. Look at selfies or pictures you've taken with other people.
  3. Are your eyes aligned? Are both of them looking at the camera? If not, you might have strabismus.

Strabismus varies in severity. You might have a slight form of strabismus - or a strong form of strabismus. Here's a quick gauge:

Stronger strabismus:

Ed Sheeran, the world famous singer, is known for having a stronger form of strabismus.

His prism diopters (the name eye doctors give to your 'eye angle') are likely 10+. That amount of prism diopters is a significant risk factor for amblyopia. [3]

Slight strabismus:

This is a recent picture of me, the author of this blog post. After multiple vision therapy training sessions my strabimus turned from a severe to slight strabismus.

My current prism diopters (again, the name eye doctors give to your 'eye angle') are between 4-10. At that stage, one can barely see that you have a lazy eye - but you still do not have good depth perception.

eye misalignment in amblyopia

No strabismus:

This is a picture of a German rapper. His eyes are (almost) perfectly aligned.

His prism diopters (again, the name eye doctors give to your 'eye angle') are less than 4. As a result, his eyes are perfectly aligned and he has immaculate depth perception.

Important to know: Eye movement (Convergence)

A natural part of your eye movement is to move closer together. Eye doctors call this 'convergence' [4]:

So if you take a selfie, it's normal that your eyes are not completely straight. As they need to move inward to both focus on the camera, right?

Strabismus is either an abnormal move inward from one eye - or an abnormal move outward from one eye. Abnormal here is the important term.

In the below image you see Melissa outlining the difference. [5] She has strabismus on the left side - and normal convergence on the right:

Notice that both eyes look inward. On the left hand side, her right eye looks excessively inward. And that's why one can detect strabismus with a picture quite easily.

Also, typically people with strabismus display a moderate to severe head tilt (to align the eyes better). If you see in your pictures that you have 1) an abnormal eye posture and 2) an abnormal head posture, you might have strabismus.

Pros And Cons of The Picture Analysis Test


  • Incredibly quick - and can be done immediately
  • No equipment needed
  • Free


  • No exact determination of eye angle
  • Does not work in intermittent strabismus or latent strabismus (meaning: when the eye angle is not steady throughout the day)
  • Not as accurate as an eye doctor test
  • Not done under doctor supervision

More Accurate Test: Lazyeyefix Ai [5 Minutes Or Less]

Here's a longer, more accurate lazy eye test that will give you your exact angle in prism diopters.

This test also works for latent strabismus or intermittent strabismus.

How To Do The Lazyeyefix Ai Test In 4 Easy Steps

The Lazyeyefix software is a revolutionary, new vision therapy software that will help you detect strabismus - and improve it - in the comfort of your home.

  1. Download Lazyeyefix here:
    Mac: Download
    Windows: Download
  2. Create your free account after downloading (no credit card required)
  3. Install the software and open it
  4. Start the software and note down your angle in prism diopters

Pros And Cons of Lazyeyefix Ai


  • Incredibly quick - and can be done immediately
  • No equipment needed
  • Free (you can do a variety of tests during the free trial phase)
  • Exact determination of eye angle down to single prism diopters
  • Does work with intermittent strabismus and provides daily and weekly angles


  • Not as accurate as an eye doctor's test
  • Not done under doctor supervision

The Most Effective Test: Alternate Cover Test At Your Eye Doctor [1+ Hour]

Doing an alternate prism cover test at your eye doctor is the most effective way to determine your strabismus angle.

An eye doctor will alternatively cover both of your eyes to determine whether or not you can fuse both images together. If your brain does not fuse both images together - as is common in strabismus - one eye typically slips off slightly.

How To Do The Eye Doctor Test In 3 Easy Steps

  1. Google 'eye doctor' near me
  2. Schedule a consultation with the nearest eye doctor - with the best Google Maps reviews
  3. Go there and do the cover test

Pros And Cons of Cover Test At The Eye Doctor


  • Incredibly accurate
  • Doctor's supervision


  • Not free (~$100 to $150)
  • Costs time (scheduling and going to eye doctor)
  • Can not be done immediately

Which Strabismus Test Is Right For You?

If you suspect that you have strong strabismus, a family history of eye disease and/or poor vision in one eye - you might head to an eye doctor for a screening test immediately.

If you are a concerned parent, reading this article for your child's benefit (childhood strabismus) - you might prefer the accuracy of an eye doctor over the accuracy of Ai or pictures.

If you are an adult, with a slight form of strabismus, maybe even with latent strabismus or intermittent strabismus - you might prefer Lazyeyefix Ai.

If you are a concerned teenager, unsure whether or not you have strabismus, with no other symptoms - you might not immediately rush to a doctor, and instead - do the picture analysis test and the Lazyeyefix one.

If you are an adult, with an equally long history of strabismus than I have - maybe with surgeries under your belt - you might be looking for an alternative diagnosis or treatment option, such as the Lazyeyefix Ai.

Again, the Lazyeyefix Ai software can be downloaded for absolutely free here:


[1] Strabismus by Cleveland Clinic:

[2] Born Too Soon - The Global Action Report on Preterm Birth by WHO:

[3] The Amblyopia Treatment Studies: Implications for Clinical Practice:

[4] Convergence Insufficiency by Cleveland Clinic:

[5] You can find the blog from Melissa here:

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